Why did I become a Massage Therapist?

It has been a joy to get to know my clients over the years. Many of you may know that I’ve been working as a LMT for well over a decade, and that I started my career in Florida, where I grew up. But how did I begin? What sparked my passion for body work? 


Simply put: lunch money.


Picture me as a fifteen year old in fitness class. There I was, sitting on the wooden stands of the school gym, thinking about how I could make some money. Did I think it would work? Probably not, but learning also means failing, so why not? "Does anyone want a back rub?" I asked, breaking the resounding chatter of fellow teenagers like myself who were all but disinterested in any semblance of the fitness activities we were supposed to be participating in. At 15, no one really cared about CrossFit or weight training unless, of course, you played a team sport. Teenagers like myself at the time had other things to worry about, like, ‘what is everybody else wearing’ or’ does (insert crush name) like me?’ 


What I witnessed back then after the pin drop of silence that followed my question was baffling even for 15 year old me. Every single teenager in my immediate vicinity lined up one by one and paid the requested price of a dollar per minute for a simple back massage. I was over the moon to say the least! They were all gushing and enthusiastic and they relished every second of it. By the end of class, I had 60 bucks to burn for the week, but even more surprising was how eager fellow teens were for some muscle tension relief! That experience stuck with me. 


My 20's were a mishmash of service jobs like delivering pizza on a scooter (really bad idea) to landing more administrative (and more serious) jobs like Payroll admin. My career life was a blur and I dragged my feet often because like so many twenty-somethings I had no idea what I wanted to do. By some off-the-cuff string of unforeseen circumstances I found myself enrolled in a Massage School that was in my area. Beyond gaining insight into myself and learning how I express myself through touch, the skills I learned in school were invaluable and crucial to the professional I am today. I learned that to become a better teacher, you have to embrace being a student, and receiving touch is every bit as important as offering it. I learned that the word 'massage' alone is too ambiguous a word for something that is so intrinsic. Bodywork is an art. 


Beyond the technical understanding of pressure, depth, intention, and skill, I've come to learn that it was always intuition that's had the biggest hand in my life, both personally and professionally. It's been liberating to learn so much about myself by helping others because I understand that healing is not a one way street. I receive just as much abundance in the presence of my clients. I am so grateful to continue to show up and do the work and, when you see me in person, you know how much I geek out on this stuff! I get to come to work and make you feel better! What more could I ask for? 


In this season of new beginnings, tell me a bit about yourself: What has sparked your passions in life? I look forward to connecting with you soon. 


Much love,



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